Cleaning up along the Rideau River

On Sunday, in between rain showers (and an hour later thanks to daylight savings), I helped clean up New Edinburgh park with a bunch of community-driven folks. We had donuts and coffee to fuel our efforts! The park was much cleaner than their spring clean-up, and they have remarked that over time, the cleaner they leave it, the cleaner it stays. It was great to be a part of keeping my local park and river clean.

We all went around together, sweeping the park fields, including the river-front and the little bits of forest.
We all went around together, sweeping the park fields, including the river-front and the little bits of forest.
The crew, cleaning up by the river.
The crew, cleaning up by the river.
An abandoned boat was locked up at the river. Good lock on it! Probably worth more than the boat. We weren't sure what to do about it!
An abandoned boat was locked up at the river. Good lock on it! Probably worth more than the boat. We weren’t sure what to do about it!
My handy picker-upper helping me take styrofoam out of the river.
My handy picker-upper helping me take styrofoam out of the river.